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Oil flow measurement applications and their associated revenues have grown significantly during the last few years. A major driver of this growth worldwide has been the expansion in demand for oil and related energy products. There has also been significant new growth in capital projects in large regional economies such as India, China, and the Mideast during this time. Given the recent volatility of the major oil countries in the Mideast and Africa, we believe that this has been an optimal time to quantify the growth in this market, and to take another in-depth look at an expanding market.

Key Issues Addressed in The World Market for Oil and Oil Flow Measurement

The Core Study and its modules address the following key issues:

• What is the technological state of the market today?

• Which applications are growing – and which are not?

• What regions of the world hold the greatest growth prospects – and why?

• Are there new competing technologies to the traditional devices – and what are they?

• What is the current breakdown in use between insertion and inline device types?

• Are there new flow measurement standards that must be understood?

• What industries represent the greatest growth potential – and why?

• What are the features that end-users are looking for in oil flow measurement?

Module A: Oil Producers Worldwide

Module A: Oil Producers Worldwide is one component of a broader set of research, The World Market for Oil and Oil Flow Measurement which examines suppliers, producers, applications, industries, custody transfer, and multiphase flowmeters. Module A is oriented toward companies that want to enhance their instrumentation sales worldwide to the larger oil producers, but who also seek to acquire an in-depth perspective on the entire oil flowmeter market and oil producers. For those focused mainly on particular regions, Module A has been organized into four books which can be purchased individually, if desired.

Module A-Book One: Executive Summary
Including segmented worldwide oil and oil flowmeter data

Module A-Book Two: The Americas
North, Central, and South America

Module A-Book Three: Europe and Mideast/Africa
Western and Central Europe, Russia, the FSU, Mideast/Africa

Module A-Book Four: Asia
Including separate chapters on Japan and China

For more information on Module A, see www.worldoilflow.com.

Module B: Oil Producers in the Mideast and Africa

Module B: Oil Producers in the Mideast and Africa, is also one component of the broader set of research, The World Market for Oil and Oil Flow Measurement. Module B is oriented towards instrumentation companies that want to increase their sales to the Mideast. This module is based on extensive research - including onsite interviews with 15 oil producers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Oman - to better understand oil flow measurement trends in this region. We asked companies what kinds of flowmeters they are using and what their expectations are for the future. The result provides a very clear picture of flowmeter usage in the Mideast. The module includes:

• Flowmeter usage in the Mideast and Africa

• Oil imports, exports, consumption, and reserves by country

• Oil data broken down by both crude and refined volumes

• Flowmeter usage and expectations for the future

• Strategies for marketing to producers

• Country summaries and company profiles of the largest producers

For more information on Module B, see www.mideastoilflow.com.

Flow Research, Inc. | 27 Water Street | Wakefield, MA 01880 | (781) 245-3200 | (781) 224-7552 (fax) | (800) 245-1799 (from the USA) | info@flowresearch.com

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